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    • By Gregor8356
      For the beginning:
      You need to go and download Data Editor
       from Here:

      After download usually files are rar or other compressed files so make sure you have a decompressor program RAR or 7ZIP or familiar
      decompress to one folder 
      go to exe file and open it
      Should look like this :

       To Change :
      Helth - go to: Data_Units Column /  Data_Units.MaxHealth choose unit and select needed value 

      Unit Rice,Water,Yin/Yang cost - go to: Data_Units.RiceTrainCost , Data_Units.WaterTrainCost ,
       Data_Units.YinYangTrainCost    and from the Column  choose needed value 

      Strength Damage (attack of unit)- go to: Data_Units.PrimaryWeapon  if you want changedamade second weapon choose from column a weapon remember the number and go to Data_Weapons.Type locate your selected weapon /number and change from Data_Weapons.BaseDamage  to needed value 
      and also you can set damage from Yin/Yang points  works only when you have that points ; go to Data_Units.YinYangDamageIncrementor  and set needed value from column
      Stamina  - to change go to data tab select unit and find: Data_Units.InitialFatigue( mean how much) / Data_Units.MaxFatigue (mean maximal) / and/  Data_Units.FatigueRecovery (mean how fast) tihs also is related to Helth the same
      Movement speed of unit - go to unit and selct unit and find column : Data_Units.DirtSpeedMultiplier / Data_Units.ForestSpeedMultiplier / Data_Units.GrassSpeedMultiplier / Data_Units.MudSpeedMultiplier / Data_Units.RiceSpeedMultiplier / Data_Units.RockSpeedMultiplier / Data_Units.SnowSpeedMultiplier / Data_Units.WaterSpeedMultiplier 
      These settings correspond to a substrate on which it is running unit ,1 '- by default ,below the slower ,above  faster .
      Armor defense of unit - are 6 gropus of the armors  seting value 1 mean susceptible on impacts and 0 not susceptible on impacts when this value is set  to unit can only be killed from poisonous weapons, go to Data_Units.AMCutting / Data_Units.AMPiercing / Data_Units.AMBlunt /  Data_Units.AMFire / Data_Units.AMExplosive  /Data_Units.AMMagical 
      this is related to wepon type and armor can reduce the specific type of wepon hit impact

      Changing Heroes from keep's also other buildings :
      Only in Dragon Clan is dispalyed 6 heroes other Clans 5 but in memory can be use 6 so:
      go to Data_Buildings.UnitIn1 to any training building and and simlpy select unit to train
      next go toData_Buildings.UnitOut1 to select unit which popup after training next select time to train:Data_Buildings.UnitTrainingTime1 and this is it about seting all next units only will have change numbers like this Data_Buildings.UnitIn2 /Data_Buildings.UnitOut2/Data_Buildings.UnitTrainingTime2  so next will be 3..4..5..6 the same with other buildings.

      About summoning  more units from BG(battle gear):
      go to ability  of related BG (for example: 230 - ABILITYTYPE_WILDEYE_WILDRHYTHMS or 87 - ABILITYTYPE_NECROMANCER_SPIRITWARRIOR ) then to set max summoned units
      go Data_Abilities.MaxCreatedUnits   then choose spawn unit type
      Make New  Bg:
      You need  to use : Data_Abilities.Type / 
      and do exactly the same as the existing ones
      and then go to:Data_BattleGear.Type / choose one of this
      go to Data_BattleGear.AbilityType set
      and set your maded ability and then goto: Data_Units choose unit you want to add your new bg and go to that unit to section: Data_Units.DefaultBattleGear  and set your choosed BG from (  BATTLE_GEAR_RESERVED_00 / BATTLE_GEAR_RESERVED_01/
      BATTLE_GEAR_RESERVED_02 /etc. )
      Seting population low ,noraml ,high :
      5LINE UNALIGNED mean animals and other units like Nightvol,shale spiders monks,ninja
      Depends on three coefficients:
      1.Data_Clans.MinTimeToCreatePeasant   - mean when peasants number is smal they pop up quick
      2.Data_Clans.MaxTimeToCreatePeasant - mean when peasants number is big they pop up slow
      3.Data_Clans.FastUnitPercent  - and this is percent off first and last unit speed value
      Visible range of unit :
      Go to  Data_Units  select unit and go to Data_Units.LOS and set 1-30 max. 
      this gonna be continued ...
      Any questions simply ask, I try to answer of course if I know the answer

      make a colors :

      - any program with color editor RGB
      like on a pictuere I use photoshop cs
      also calculator
      inpicture i show how to make a DARK TURQUOISE

      this color have value OF RED,GREN,BLUE

      R 41
      G 153
      B 153

      to calculate right number to put in editor need to do this

      R 41/255=0,160~
      G 153/255=0,6
      B 153/255=0,6

      next go to editor end put to team colors 1 team 2 team etc.

      in R 0,160
      G 0,6
      B 0,6
    • By Ruby
      This is WIP - if you want to know something more feel free to ask and I'll update this post
      Alright, so a few recruits pointed out to me that the stats are confusing. I agree, for someone new they can be quite overwhelming. So here are some tips and tricks to find your way around the LotusClan Stats!

      Okay, so, first thing you'll notice when you open the stats is a list of server categories. Your stats are tracked independently for European and American servers, and for 24 player, 32 player and Arena servers. This list shows top players from each server, and a list of all servers, but that shouldn't bother you too much now. Click the "Search" button at the top and something like this should pop up:

      Here you can enter your name or Steam ID and select the category you want to see. If you specify "All", you'll end up with a lot of results for your name, because, as I said, the stats are tracked independently for all servers.

      So, let's say I wanted to look up my stats on 24 player Europe servers... I'd put up "Darwin the Paranoid Android" in the "Search For" field and "24 Players - Europe" as the category. You should see your own stats page, with a lot of confusing little details. Let's look at it piece by piece. First, the Player Information category...

      Alright, this is the summary of your stats. There are some general info on you on the left side, as well as your total connection time and the weapon you got most kills with. On the right, there's a graph which really doesn't show anything you need to bother yourself with, your total kills, deaths, rounds played, etc. This part is pretty self-explanatory. You can click on "Events" to get details on what you did lately and "Awards" to check out if you did something extraordinary (like, most kills with a weapon in a day). There's also your own chat log - hit "Chat" to bring that up.

      Next up is the misc stats.

      The graph which dominates this section is actually pretty helpful - the blue line shows how much you've played in a day, the gray columns shows how much kills you got (if it's in the negative, you had more deaths than kills - step up your game senpai!) and the green line shows your net points change. The ribbons are your awards (for example, "most ubercharges" or "most kills with the ham" in a day) and the rank is purely aesthetic.

      Under that are aliases you've played under and some stats on them. Nothing really important.

      Now comes the bulk of your statistics...

      This shows how much you've played as a single class and what's your best class. More important, on the right side you can see your actions. The number of times you extinguished someone, had a kill assist, dominated someone, airshot something or things like that will show up there.

      Under that comes the "Map Performance" section.

      You have specific per-map statistics here, as well as graphs which show where did you score kills (blue dots) or died (red dots) on a map. This can help pinpoint certain places on the map on which you need to work on, or simply, if you're a derp like me, try to make all the dots blend into a purple soup of nothingness.

      Under this are the weapon statistics.

      For each weapon you've used, you'll be able to see how many kills you made with them, and how many times you died to them. For some specific weapons you'll be able to see the accuracy as well - I have a pretty shoddy accuracy with the shotgun so we'll ignore that for now.
      Now, for the questions.
      As a ______, which stats do I want to pay attention to?
      Generally, you'll want to look after things you are supposed to be doing. For damage-dealing classes, that should be your KPD (kills per death) and for the Medic that should be your APD (assists per death). There are a lot of class-specific actions too - for examples, if you're a spy, you'll want to check out the backstab count, and if you're a pyro, you'll want to see how many reflect kills you had, etc.
      How do I get up in the ranks?
      The exact formula behind the ranking system is somewhat complicated, but you get more points if you kill more skilled players. The system punishes death, so make sure to reduce that.
      What stats should I get up?
      Generally, kills and assists If you click on a certain class's name in your stats overview, you can see the best players of that class on the stats. For example, I, as a pyro, want to look up to Mister J who's fourth on the EU 24Player Pyro stats, and I can compare my stats to his to see what do I have to work on.
      Can I somewhere find in-clan ranks?
      Of course - Lotus members can click on the "Member of the clan: L" under their name to see the clan stats, and some other clans have that set up too. Currently the best Lotus recruit on 24 players EU is Fever and the best member is Hietha - see if you can top them! Even though it doesn't say so, the recruit and member stats are tracked separately.
      Where are the global ranks?
      You can click on the "Players" button at the top to see the top players for each server category. Likewise, from the "Awards" button you can track yesterday's awards and who got most kills with what. Explore and see for yourself
      I hope this guide helped to clear up the confusion at least somewhat.
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