About This File
A Very Hard Battle: 1 VS 7 AL Highland Crossroads
Tried to see if I could manage to pull this off, and well did it. Shame I don't have an earlier version of this save file, but I didn't think I could pull this off so I might try it again and see if you can manage to do it as well. This is my personal record in player versus AL, along with my personal record of 1 VS 7 in Famine mode.
A game like this is definately not possible at every location in the map, as some locations are much harder to defend than others. It also strongly depends on your opponents; what are their stats and what clan they are. It also takes a bit of luck to be able to kill the first 2 or 3 opponents quickly (<20 minutes) or otherwise it's impossible to win the game; it's definately never a game over provided you have the proper setup for your clan, but as soon as the Lotus Clan summons Zymeth and at least 2 of your opponents are Dragon Clan and have an aggressivenes less than (<20) it's nearly impossible to win the game. (Or you got to have a lot of luck/time)
Starting Army - Small
Rice Growth Rate - Fast
Starting Resources - High
Horses - None
Ying/Yang Aqc - Fast
Population - High
Difficulty: Hard
Game Speed: Fastest